Monthly comment
Jonathan Furelid

Monthly Commentary – February 2023

The fund was up 2 % during the month, which is positive given that the stock market in the USA Nasdaq was down 1 % and MSCI World TR

Monthly comment
Jonathan Furelid

Monthly Commentary – January 2023

What a start we had to the stock market year 2023 and positive returns broadly across several asset classes. It has been a risk on and risk-taking has paid off

Monthly comment
Joakim Agerback

Monthly Commentary – December 2022

Happy New Year! Finserve Global Security Fund's return for 2022 was 10 % and thus achieved returns of double-digit positive returns. The fund has as thematic

Monthly comment
Joakim Agerback

Monthly Commentary – November 2022

The Finserve Global Security Fund lost 3.0 % in November, mainly as a result of a weaker dollar, which lost about 4.5 percent against the

Monthly comment
Joakim Agerback

Monthly Commentary – October 2022

Finserve Global Security Fund had its best month since inception with 12.22 % in returns for the month. The fund is now up close to 20 % too

Team Global Security Fund

Interview with the fund manager

Global security - the situation around the world creates a red-hot investment trend In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, defense funding around the world has been increased. It has created expectations about

Monthly comment
Jonathan Furelid

Monthly Commentary – September 2022

Finserve Global Security lost during September against the background of broad stock market declines, both in Europe and the US. However, the fund outperformed broad equity indices and benefited from its

Monthly comment
Jonathan Furelid

Monthly comment Aug 2022

Finserve Global Security is going strong in a volatile and uncertain climate and has a selective exposure that is judged to be able to withstand a decline well in relative