Tor Sinclair

Space & Cyber Security

On Sunday at 15:00, manager Tor Sinclair talks to Jonathan Furelid about Space & Security on the Facebook group Aktier

Monthly comment
Tor Sinclair

December: cyber security rally benefited the fund

The Global Security Fund increased by 4.72 percent (S-share class) and 4.52 percent (R-share class) in December, which was significantly better than the benchmark index MSCI World TR which rose by

Tor Sinclair

Monthly newsletter October 2020

More than half of the fund's holdings reported in October, but despite the fact that the companies in most cases beat expectations, October was a weak month,

Tor Sinclair

Monthly newsletter September 2020

September was generally a weak month on world stock markets. Collateral shares were no exception, but a stronger dollar and a weaker krona contributed positively. Global Security